I am thrilled to introduce to you RNR's inaugural apprentices, Ruy Nieves and Isaac Luy. The opportunity for Ruy and Isaac to receive training was made possible thanks to a generous grant donated to Helen Donnelly and Red Nose Remedy by Roseneath Theatre. This funding was designated to support IBPOC artists in becoming new therapeutic clown practitioners. This is an initial step in our commitment to better represent the communities we serve.

Ruy started his apprenticeship during the summer. To date, he's had opportunities to shadow a number of duos in our elder clown program and our clown doctor program at both Sunnybrook Veterans and Safehaven. Additionally, Ruy and I have had opportunities to work together in a social clowning setting, working as a duo with MABELLEarts' summer Block Parties and then clowning in trio in a new program between RNR, MABELLEarts and COSTI at a refugee hotel in Etobicoke (more info about this in an upcoming post).
You may have also seen Ruy performing at WTFestival this past September.

Ruy Nieves (he/him) is a Mexican stage-clown artist who has been the director of two Non-profit organizations in Mexico, engaging in community theater, opening alternative spaces and approaching art to disadvantaged environments; in addition he has developed Youtube channels and a local Mexican television show with educational and cultural content. He has worked in many different productions from classical to contemporary as an actor, director and playwright. He has participated in different international festivals and taken workshops in Mexico, United States, London and Spain. At the moment he is directing and training Maxei, a troupe of Latinoamerican clowns in the city of Toronto, and they have taken part in the festivals: Concrete Cabaret Festival, Wee Festival, Objecto Festival, St James Town Summit and Muse Arts Happening Festival. He has a BA in acting and a MA in Literature.
Isaac is about to start his apprenticeship in just a few weeks when he returns from South America where, among other things, he's been teaching clown alongside Sue Morrison.

Isaac Luy is an actor, comedian, and clown with over 20 years of experience across Venezuela, Canada, Brazil, Peru, and Europe. His versatile career spans theatre, TV, and radio, with significant contributions as an actor, performer, director, and creator in more than 15 theatre productions.

In 2008, Isaac moved to Canada, where he deepened his clowning skills at the Francine Côté Clown and Comedy School and the Theatre Resource Centre under the guidance of Sue Morrison.
After a decade of dedicated apprenticeship, he became an official teacher of the Canadian Pochinko Clowning Technique. Isaac is also a proud graduate of the Conservatory and Long form Conservatory programs at The Second City. As a clown teacher and co-founder of Malpensando Comedy Club, Isaac is committed to conducting workshops and engaging in charitable work within the Hispanic community throughout Ontario, Canada and abroad.
The process of becoming a therapeutic clown is involved and multi-layered. Not only are Isaac and Ruy having opportunities to shadow the RNR clowns during their time, they are also receiving guidance in the design of their pediatric and elder-clown personas, as well as studio time to develop those personas, to practice and to train specific job-related skills and to attend reflective practice. On top of this, they are completing a series of internal classes modelled after Helen's coursework created for the George Brown training certificate program. After this, Ruy and Isaac will be clowning in duo with one of Red Nose Remedy's senior therapeutic clown practitioners, where they will continue to refine their skills through practicum.
I am so excited to invite these two artists into this wonderful art form.
Welcome Isaac and Ruy.
This is just the beginning.